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Trusted by 100,000+ organizations across the globe

Intelligent and integrated security cameras

Strengthen your security system with Pelco’s cloud-connected cameras, including Smart Analytics that integrates with any ONVIF-conformant VMS.

Make your cameras smarter

Elevate is a powerful direct camera-to-cloud technology to combine edge and cloud AI capabilities with your Pelco device. So now you can expect more from your camera, while leveraging your existing security system.

  • Image health you can rely on

    Don’t miss a beat with Elevate Image Health, giving you peace of mind that your camera is capturing the view you need.

  • Unified site management

    Scale your security system with Elevate by connecting sites anywhere to a single account and delegate site management to your trusted third party.

  • Automatic camera updates

    Eliminate the need for manual updates, saving you time and money, and helps ensure your cameras are cyber secure by running the latest firmware.

Open platform security

Pelco CCTV cameras are NDAA compliant and built on an open platform that is designed to work seamlessly with any video management system.

  • ONVIF compliance

    Create a flexible, cost-effective and enduring security system with our solutions that are ONVIF profile S, T?? G and M conformant.

  • Camera integrations

    Pelco cameras integrate with any ONVIF-conformant video management system, so you can protect your investments.

  • Software integrations

    Our VideoXpert video management software is built on an open platform, allowing you to add 3rd party camera systems to your security operations.

Customize your cameras

We are committed to going above and beyond by delivering tailored security solutions for your site. Our Special Modification Request (SMR) program ensures your cameras match the architecture and aesthetic of your environment.

  • Designed your way

    We offer a range of modifications, including mounting, custom colors and sleek finishes for your hardware.

  • Discreet and unobtrusive monitoring

    Create a welcoming, comfortable environment by installing a video security solution designed to look inconspicuous and ready to enhance safety for all.

Solutions for every environment

Providing safety and security is your number one priority. We make that possible with industry-leading CCTV cameras and systems suited for your every need.

Smart and versatile video security

Our broad range of CCTV security cameras are built with intelligent analytic capabilities, stacked with powerful camera features to meet your challenges and easily work with existing systems.

NDAA Compliance

Understand the basics of NDAA compliance, how security installers and end-users can ensure compliance and see a list of compliant solutions.

PTZ Cameras

Monitor large areas with a single camera and capture details with wide and close-up camera views.

Panoramic Cameras

Gain total situational awareness with vast area coverage across multiple directions.

Specialty Cameras

Maintain reliable coverage even in harsh environments with our rugged and reliable solutions.

Latest at Pelco

Learn more about our latest cameras, analytics and VMS solutions.

Pelco Calipsa

Transform your simple, motion-only cameras into an AI-driven powerhouse.

Sarix Professional 4 Series

Protect people and property across different environments with AI-powered video analytics and high-quality images in all lighting.

Sarix Multi Enhanced

Secure large sites from every angle with 360-degree views, AI-powered video analytics and unparalleled low-light performance.

Virtual resources

Stay up to date with the latest industry news and events and get answers to your video security questions with our vast library of product guides and knowledge-based articles.

The ultimate guide to DVR and NVR security camera systems

In this comprehensive guide, you can find everything you need to know about DVR and NVR security camera systems.

Dome vs. bullet cameras: Which one is right for you?

Learn the key differences between dome and bullet cameras, plus find the best use cases for each type of security camera.

What is ONVIF? Complete guide to ONVIF cameras and profiles

Learn how ONVIF profiles really work and discover what they mean for the future of IP camera systems in this in-depth ONVIF guide.

ASIAL - August 2024

Join us in Sydney, AUS to see our powerful end-to-end video security and access control technologies!

GSX - September 2024

Join us for an exclusive preview of the latest Pelco solutions and Motorola Solutions ecosystem technologies.

Intersec Saudi - October 2024

Join us for an exclusive preview of the latest Pelco solutions and Motorola Solutions ecosystem technologies.

Com-pli-ance and Certifications

Create a smarter and safer world with Pelco’s wide range of CCTV security cameras, video management systems and accessories working together as an integrated solution to meet global security standards.


Experience a trusted and cyber secure platform - TLS 1.2, RMF, FIPS 140-2.

NDAA Compliant

NDAA Section 889 compliant cameras.

ONVIF Conformant

Pelco products are ONVIF Profile S, G, T and M conformant.

GSA Contract

Trade Agreement Act or Country of Origin US - Pelco GSA Contract GS-07F-9323S.

Have questions? We can help

Our video security experts can help you implement the right security system for your business.

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